Good wind again, albeit a bit on the onshore side. More wind! So much so that your wind and wave reporter was busy on the water most of the day.. so just the one photo today
My freshly fixed dinged board smilin' to be back in the ocean.
Some small windswell. Good to be back. My boards, well board, is now watertight and happy. Although a little pissed this morning at getting up at the pre crack o' dawn and barely being pushed by the ocean ripples.
Scored a nice super bonzerish session on a new 2012 Fanatic new wave on the west. C'mon swell, I want to feel what this board can do.
Finally get to the spot, suit up, rig up quick style and rush down to the ocean, no one out! and lines are cruisin' in. Stoked again but still pissed that I missed yesterdays session. Oh well. Sail out, hook up on a couple nice ones, another joins and another. Yep, the fresh westerly brings all the locals out. Good to see new faces out on the waves, nice to see the Grandharve boys (Stu,Nick, Bob and Les) giving it a shot in the surf, keep up the good work.
Dropped into the abyss and dug that fin in on suck ups. High tide mushy hold. Then remembered about the last time I sailed on this reef, looking up at my new replacement mast and sail quivering in fear of being pile driven into the reef again, came out in one piece this time. Inside reform on T'others made for some nice down the line. My good buddy Matt joined me late afternoon but after four hours on the water my hands are in shred's, had to leave him sail on his lonesome till the sunset....
Love this sport...
Catch you later...
I'm off to Vazon...
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