Monday, January 10, 2011

Dark winter nights

A sailing buddy of mine phoned me up, saying "are you mad " Why are you still at work! The wind is up, get your ass down the beach ASP. It took me around 30 minutes to get home grab my kit and get in the van and drive to the beach in a frenzy, another 10 minutes of frantic rigging, as I only had an hour of sailing before dark (I hate these dark winter nights). That's when all the fun started. Rigging my new North ice hd 5.3 on an 80 liter kode. As I hit the water and had my first run out I was a little over powered but with the wind way round to the south and cross off Vazon can be a bit on the gusty side so you need a bigger sail to help you get out. The waves were small and fun to sail on down the line fully maxed out on the 5.3. Sadly darkness came all to soon at this time of year. The only thing that comforted me as darkness fell, I was not part of the disappointed sailor's who came down too late.

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